Post by anrdaemon on Jan 13, 2015 5:12:08 GMT -5
Ethereal Anguish (or Pinning Shot). The single most effective prevention ability. It literally kills the opponents before they born (in case of fights where it is applicable).
[ Elite & Star Traders 2 Supporter ]
From summer sands, to armageddons reach.
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Post by mataeus on Jan 13, 2015 5:21:38 GMT -5
Ethereal Anguish (or Pinning Shot). The single most effective prevention ability. It literally kills the opponents before they born (in case of fights where it is applicable). I've never even read a description of Ethereal Anguish. Is it that good? What's it's concept?
Post by CdrPlatypus on Jan 13, 2015 11:37:28 GMT -5
mataeus Etheral Anguish is great although sp and tlaent point expensive. It costs only 2AP. At lvl 1 it rmoves 1ap and 1 dodge for 10sp, making it arguably the best starting talent in the game. At lvl 2 and up it starts removing accuracy and more dodge at lvl 4 it becomes a cross aoe, at lvl 6 it removes 2ap as well as more dodge and acc, at lvl 10 it becomes a 9 square block that takes off 2ap and 7acc and an amt of dodge I forget. But for Only 2AP and debuffing 3 critical areas, AP, Accuracy, and dodge. It is amazing Pinning shot is limited to -1ap, flash freeze is a better ap stripper as it can get to -2ap, but pinning shot removes parry and deals dmg
[ Elite & Star Traders 2 Supporter ]
From summer sands, to armageddons reach.
Posts: 820
Post by mataeus on Jan 13, 2015 11:54:19 GMT -5
Post by anrdaemon on Jan 13, 2015 15:24:09 GMT -5
I think the most critical part is what CdrPlatypus left out. Summoner spiders (I didn't see other summoners yet) have 3 AP and <some> MP, and their summoning move costs 2 AP. therefore, reducing them to 1 AP prevent any summoning from happening for the duration of the curse. They will still attack your party, but one shoot per round doesn't kill anyone… usually.
Post by En1gma on Jan 13, 2015 16:37:48 GMT -5
EA is amazing, as is Flash Freeze. There's just something about completely crippling an enemy that appeals to me. In the quest for true AP removal, one of the other 3 AP curses must be used. Some of the craziest enemies in the game have 4 AP and can completely wreck a party- don't believe me, go find a Deathkin or have a Skeletal Swordsman run up on your mage or /cough Tamilin. Using both EA/FF and one of the others can completely neuter almost anything in the game.
Another of my favorite curses- Darting Steel!! I absolutely love this ability, and leveled up to 3 or 4 it can provide crucial Parry/Dodge removal. 1AP TK can allow Kincaid to tag 4-7 enemies with this curse, plus it allows him to remove weakened enemies from the board with rapid succession. It works even better when paired with Ash/Strickening support and it absolutely wrecks when you start adding +damage/+elemental gear.
Honestly I don't think limiting this thread to just one curse does them justice, as nothing in this game is meant to stand alone... That being said, against any other curse, Anguish likely takes it, just because it does so much on its own. EA or Ash. Don't make me pick.
Post by CdrPlatypus on Jan 14, 2015 3:35:05 GMT -5
anrdaemon not failing to mention. This thread is about curses in general. Besides not all teams can get to -3ap En1gma what is so beautiful about ca is that it benefits all attackers without any other investment needed.
Post by johndramey on Jan 14, 2015 6:16:29 GMT -5
Totally agree with En1gma in the sense that it is really hard to limit to just one curse. There are so many good skills to choose from and I definitely tend to stack my curses. Stacking effects is definitely one of the big strengths of HoS, habing the ability to tailor your group to exactly how you want it to run is sooo nice. For instance, my current group uses Burning Blades and Shield of Cortias as its base buffs. Couple that with Punishing Blades, Darting Steel and Choking Ash and most enemies are hit hard 80% of the time.
Post by En1gma on Jan 14, 2015 7:12:18 GMT -5
What about that Orcin Shaman curse Savage Weakness? Now that's a serious curse, and I'm sure it's one of their favorites...
Post by John Robinson on Jan 14, 2015 17:06:54 GMT -5
What about that Orcin Shaman curse Savage Weakness? Now that's a serious curse, and I'm sure it's one of their favorites... Studying enemy curses is a great way to gain insight on combat mechanics. You can learn where best to spend talent points to strengthen a party. Shaman curses are a tutorial in themselves on the best curse and curse attacks to use on massed monsters.
Post by nednederlander on May 7, 2015 17:14:55 GMT -5
I've read about a dozen threads trying to find the answer and can't, so I'll noob up and ask:
What is AoE?
I see the little map and I think the red dots are where the curse hits, but what does it stand for?
Post by anrdaemon on May 7, 2015 17:42:05 GMT -5
Area of Effect. Less often referred to as simple "AE", the abbreviation refers to effects that have certain area of influence, covering multiple targets at once. As can be deduced from the description, the strength of this type of effects comes from numbers of eligible targets.
Post by Gr8Scott on Jul 6, 2015 17:33:06 GMT -5
I must say though, Strickening is becoming my new favorite- honestly it's more effective than armor stripping, seeing that in the end it gives negative 16 resistance to all elements, effectively adding 32 damage, plus removing standard resistance almost completely. Add in a -dodge component and either Burning Blades or Thundering Blades and you have some serious damage being put out. I haven't combined Ash with Strickening, yet... Hmm. ChokingAsh and Strickening I need Selen for the AP curse and must decide my Warrior. Interesting. Side note: can someone explain Strickening's Resistance vs. All Resist?
Post by bookworm21 on Jul 6, 2015 17:45:42 GMT -5
I have to say that Ash is my favourite curse ATM. It is what has stopped me picking up Vincent...