well, on the droid 2 the arrow keys are the only thing that does anything that i have figured out so far, and its kind of a weird thing that they do (but kinda useful too)
when i press a direction, say, Right, the character moves in that direction (often times AROUND buildings) and continues right until the next area map is reached. I am assuming that this was intentional, on some level, due to the (limited?) pathfinding routine the character seems to follow.The character can still get hung up from time to time, but as long as I dont hit a huge building smack in the middle, the character continues to move up or down to get around the building, and then continues right, repeating this until the next screen is reached.
I am not one to complain, but I would ask, that IF you do fix the arrows keys for the droid 2, could you leave the above mentioned commands in the game? Maybe if i press Alt+Arrow Key, it would activate it. It really can be convenient sometimes.
one more note, and this one is IMPORTANT.
i would send this to you in a PM, but I am having some issues with my computer right now (i hope it wasnt damaged by the airport jerks) and i cannot open the PM window or my computer locks up.
Here's the INFO:
I found a nice little program, called YouWave, which basically acts like an emulator for the android platform and runs under windows. I have seen and tried other emulators, but they all suffer from some serious flaws. Either they are clunky and crash a lot, or they run very slowly, and sometimes won't load a program (like a 50/50 chance.).
However this program seems different. It's a 4 day free trial, and 14.99$ USD to purchase. you can find the website here.
www.youwave.comAdmittedly, I have not had that long to check it out, but it is running smoothly, and seems to have no trouble running any game or program, so long as it is an .apk file.
I wanted to be able to load Cyber Knights onto my hard drive to see how it ran, but there were two bags that i lost at the airport. (i HAD them ziptied together.) They found and sent them back to me, but apparently they shipped them separately because I have only recieved my computer case, and not my accessories pack, which has my USB phone to PC cable AND my charger!!!
Why they split them up is beyond me, since they have to pay MORE for shipping, but at least i should get my other bag by tomorow at the latest.
now, before you think i have began to ramble again, this leads me to my next, and possibly most important piece of information.
Since I was unable to load my Cyber Knights game onto the PC, (or even use my phone, since its DEAD and those Buttheads have my charger!) I decided to look online, to see if I could download the free version to the PC so I could test out how it worked on the YouWave software.
That's when I came across a link to the game. I downloaded it, not really thinking about it (the first link was dead, but the mirror worked). the funny thing is that when i clicked on the link, it took me to one of those free file downloading sites (i wont post the name here, so that i wont be contributing to possibly ripping you guys off). I didnt think too much of it, until I loaded the game. It DOES work in YouWave, and works beautifully, I might add!
The real problem began when I created my new character. I could'nt be sure but it seemed like the creation menu was different from what I remember. However, once the game started, I knew immediately that this was an older version of your game. Intimidate was not on the skills list, and in its place, was Ettiquette.. Also the heat guage looked very different, as did the menu in general. But the real smoking gun, that let me know that this was not the correct version, and possibly not something you wanted out there, was the battle system.
there was no menu for battle. NONE. to move, you clicked your character, then moved him, then clicked on him again. attacking was done by clicking on an enemy, then clicking him again. Also, I noticed that you could not skip a turn. You had to move at least one space, or it would keep going, phase after phase (I went to Phase 9) with only your character taking an action, until i finally moved, and then it proceeded to Round 2, Phase 1.
I doubt i will play this version, since I already have the Elite version, but I would like to know what your thoughts are about this YouWave software. I hope that it would allow you to reach out to more customers.
Not everyone has an android phone (some even have a....**Shudder** I-PHONE!), but just about everyone i know, from the blackest part of the ghetto, to the whitest part of the trailer park, has a computer.
I posted a topic in the forums about YouWave, but I wanted to see what your thoughts were about it before I started telling people about your game. I just dont want there to be a pirating situation, which is why i was concerned about the version of Cyber Knights that i found.
I apologize for posting this here, and by all means, if you feel you need to delete it, please do so. I would have PM'ed you if i could, but I really wanted to make sure you knew about this. You can email me if you want to discuss it (I have the links and files, which i WILL NOT post here.)
It could be just an alpha build you had from some time ago, and maybe you dont care about it, but I wanted to make sure.
I know I wouldnt want someone taking my hard work, and I'm sure you feel the same way.
Well, that is about it for the good/bad news.
I've started working on the item descriptions as well, so if you have any information or requests about the descriptions, let me know. (i'm not sure if you can nab my email from my profile, and since i cant get into the PM's right now, let me put it here, but i am going to space it out to avoid getting leeched by search engines.) You can contanct me here
Thanks again for making such a great game! if there is anything I can do to help, never be afraid to ask.