Post by taset on Jun 11, 2013 17:52:21 GMT -5
I don't know for sure, but I don't think you get any Xp at all for exploring. I think you should at least have a chance at getting Xp while exploring. I say this because I think it is truly an unbelievable feet when 56 of your crew of 63 dies and you survive. Also, my method of survival in the game relies on exploration and it sucks that I get stuck at a low level for so long.
Post by slayernz on Jun 11, 2013 18:18:20 GMT -5
That's unfortunate. I would have voted on Exploration, but you put an option in the list that I felt compelled to select! There are a myriad of good strategies out there, and most provide good XP boosts. The ones that do provide higher XP are the more risky options. That's because as you've experienced, regardless of the number of crew lost (or your own limbs/eyes/ears), exploration is an extremely easy way of getting some initial cash. Also, trading of non-restricted goods is extremely safe. Examples of profit but low XP * Exploration * Trading (Surplus/Shortage) Examples of high risk but high XP * Space Combat * Alien hunting * Arghblargle wrestling
Post by johndramey on Jun 11, 2013 20:42:57 GMT -5
I tend to use exploration at some point for most of my captains. My primary vehicle of XP gain on explorers is to trade in restricted goods, if you get a good trade alliance going you can typically net good rep boosts. At that point you can take part in solar wars against your allies in order to beef up your XP bank. Just surrender or acknowledge any fights you don't think you can handle!
Post by Deleted on Jun 12, 2013 2:01:36 GMT -5
There is a very small gain for exploration: 8% chance of +1 XP for every succesful exploration. However, considering exploring is one of the rare operations that gets harder to be successful as time progresses, and considering you need more and more explorer skill as time passes in addition to combat skills even as leveling up gets harder, I'm in favour of additional XP gains for exploring in planets with rumors like of alien attacks or dark age technology, for being an explorer by trade, for having an exo-scout officer, or even having XP gains be based on Explorer skill to make it more difficult to fall behind the time difficulty scale. Right now, explorer is the hardest focus on harder difficulties because it demands so much emphasis on one skill, explorer, which gives you less room for skills that help you do combat or reduce fc. Also it doesnt give you high XP rewards so normally you can only explore for a short time. However, exploring can be very rewarding in the beginning due to the credits it can provide so early in the game. slayernz - alien hunting doesnt give high XP gains because it takes so long to find them. The best ways to earn XP fast is conflict participation, especially solar wars and spy battles.
Post by whitegauntlet on Jun 12, 2013 11:32:44 GMT -5
My vote has been cast. Down with Steel Song!