I am not sure how I did it, had a fight with a pirate, ran out of ammo, then took their ship. (3 time the hold and 4 times the guns....YOINK)
It was weird as I look into the cargo hold and I noticed their ship was carrying -7 ammo. Didn't care....then I realized I now can no longer buy rounds at stores. Panicking, I ran into a pirate ship, pressed the long guns....and it fired
. So I fired again and again and again.
Until the villain went into Davy Jone's locker.
Now I have -29 Cannon rounds in my hold
. Next battle against the Ice Reavers....-59 rounds before they fled.
It look like I discovered LAZER CANNONS!
Unfortunately, it also attract the force of Darkness like a plague
So far it seem every Ice Demon ship on the achievement list had to show up, and so did the Kraken 3 times!
. My captain is now working as a Bartender in Dunblar in fear of sailing out to the open seas.