Post by slawyer on Jul 25, 2011 12:43:28 GMT -5
Twice now I have seen a crash when blockading. First time I figured it was maybe just a fluke, second time I hit report. Anybody else seeing this?
Post by Cory Trese on Jul 25, 2011 13:24:21 GMT -5
was your message the very helpful
"Blockade, BOOM (CRASH)"
or is there another one in there from you?
Post by slayernz on Jul 25, 2011 18:44:31 GMT -5
Haha ... I gotta try this ... I NEED to see that error message
Post by Cory Trese on Jul 25, 2011 20:00:21 GMT -5
no that's one of the things that someone typed in. trying to link reports to reports is all
Post by slayernz on Jul 25, 2011 20:13:28 GMT -5
Is okay - I tried my darndest and didn't get any errors when blockading like a mad-man. Bridge stats refreshed beautifully.
Post by Cory Trese on Jul 25, 2011 20:58:19 GMT -5
Different phones. I'm working on it.
Post by slawyer on Jul 27, 2011 11:46:28 GMT -5
"Blockade, BOOM (CRASH)" That was me. I hit report a few more times but I guess the call stack isn't helping? I'm not sure what other info is relevant. I was grinding out XP blockading at Marquette Alpha, with toasts turned off (so I can hit blockade 50 times quick without getting a pile of toasts to wait for when an encounter happens). Seems to happen even if I do it slow, and it's very intermittent (maybe once every 100-200 times). Looks like a result from some particular dice roll outcome for the Blockade action that doesn't happen often. It must have been introduced recently though, because I didn't see it before getting the update with the new ship upgrades. Is it my shiny new Hyperion Superstructure? I don't see anything wrong after the crash happens -- the same seems to be exactly where it was before the crash, as if the errant Blockade never happened.
Post by Cory Trese on Jul 27, 2011 13:01:17 GMT -5
What is happening in the stack trace is that the combat system and the blockade thread are running at the same time. I am not sure why that would happen, but I had added some additional locks / blocking mutex type stuff to stop it. Hopefully it will slow down the blockade event stream.
The only error we had reported (including the BOOM BOOM one) is the database blocked error, so I don't think it is the upgrade or the update.
The issue was certainly injected when I started reading the database to update the status text on the bridge menu.
Post by slawyer on Jul 27, 2011 14:49:31 GMT -5
Ah, that explains it. This blockading was "speed play" where I was mashing Blockade repeatedly and quickly, so I can see how that might cause some race conditions when toasts are turned off.
A few times I have had encounters while Blockading like this, where the result of the battle gets lost (i.e. cargo I looted disappears). That is probably related -- combat results and a Blockade result conflicting, and the Blockade result winning out over the combat.
Post by celu on Jul 27, 2011 20:40:51 GMT -5
I had the same thing happened today. twice. with toast ON. trying to get level 50 award. Blockading like a sewing machine. BOOM!
Post by slawyer on Aug 1, 2011 17:16:19 GMT -5
Seems fixed in 3.9.5 -- thanks Cory!
Post by Cory Trese on Aug 1, 2011 17:31:55 GMT -5
celu -- fixed for you too?
Post by slawyer on Aug 2, 2011 16:53:06 GMT -5
I did see that other problem once again though. I was mashing Blockade quick apparently got two encounters stacked at once. The first was with a lvl 245 Independent Assault Hawk that had 38 units in the Hold: Note that the victory screen shows 586.12 AE: . . . but the Status screen shows 586.14 AE: Then immediately after that I ran into a lvl 212 Rychart Pirate Patrol with 8 units in the Hold: After beating the pirate, the victory screen showed 586.11 AE: I'm not sure what the status screen showed for the game date (didn't get a screen cap of that). But clearly, I somehow managed to beat the Assault Hawk before the Pirate Patrol, even though I encountered the Pirate Patrol one week earlier, and lost the juicy 38 cargo. Can you add a check for pending encounters and fix it to queue them up in order? I'm not sure (haven't tried it) but I image patrol has the same issue. For now, I have slowed down my Blockade-mashing to a more reasonable pace.
Post by Cory Trese on Aug 5, 2011 13:37:42 GMT -5
I'm going to work on adding a limit, I guess I'm not understanding something about the Android OS on all phones with events. More research for Cory.
Post by Cory Trese on Aug 5, 2011 18:46:47 GMT -5
Romain Guy confirmed that this is indeed a bug in Android: "It happens only if the user manages to press the button twice in < 125ms. I believe we fixed that possible error in Froyo."
What version of Android OS are you running?