Post by HateSolstice on Jul 11, 2011 11:19:34 GMT -5
After thinking about it some more, I agree that the trade thing might not be the best idea for the game. At least not in it's current state. Another idea using similar principles COULD be allowing yourself to be "lent" to other players to help them with missions or something, perhaps as an extension of the new party system Cory and Andrew are working on. Still using the same code idea as before, just this time the code is determined by your character's stats and current equiped gear(so only weapon, armor, and implants need to be copied; ammo can be ignored for this to work). All other inventory items can be ignored. I don't think allowing borrowed characters to gain xp or money is necessary, nor do I see how well it would even work(if at all). In fact, thinking on it further I say it's best if that isn't bothered with. The character is just there to help with whatever mission you're on. When your finished, or after a certain amount of time ends, or even after the contract in question is up, they can be removed from party. Unless, of course, you guys think it'd be cooler if they hung around longer. I dunno if that really would fit into the loner style of the game. Anyway, it's just another thing to think about, it's probably not even a good idea anyway. Could set up a spot on the map as a gypsy section. You can show up when online and interact with everyone else who is online. I don't actually like it. one of the things I like about what is done here is the lack of an online element. There is so much push in that direction already. I am surprised we haven't seen some more star trader elements yet. More places to sell stuff with a variance in price paid would be welcome. Maybe AZ gets a new shipment of something and it costs less that everyone else is selling g for. I get the feeling you don't understand what I meant. I'll elaborate a bit more. This isn't about playing online with others. At least, not in the sense that you're thinking. For that to work, Cory and Andrew would have to include a ton of netcode, and then run a server or two to deal with all that. That's expensive, time-consuming, and really makes no sense for this game at all. If you've seen or played any of the cellphone "MMOs", then you know that they simply don't work well at all. So, to try and further explain what I meant, I'll use an example. Let's assume, for a moment, that you want to hire Moody's character to help you on a contract or two. Let's just say it's an assassination contract. You two contact each other here on the forum, and Moody agrees to it. In Moody's game, he goes up to a data terminal(again, for this example) and goes to the "Cyberknight Work" link. There, he can do 1 of 2 things: (A) Generate a one-time-use code, or (B) redeem a code from another Cyberknight willing to help out. He chooses option (A), and then comes here and sends you the code. This code will contain his character: His stats and skills, his current weapon, armor, and implants. None of the things in his backpack, his money, or his ammo will be transfered with the code. His character will remain with you, after you redeem the code at the data terminal, until after the agreed-upon timeframe. There will be no need for a server for this, because the code would be handled all in-game. His character on his game would remain unaffected, as if he never left. As I said, I have no idea if it's a good idea or not, or if anyone would like it. It's just something I thought would be neat, and set it apart from other games.
Post by monkeyrogue on Jul 11, 2011 11:52:18 GMT -5
It would be an interesting idea. The biggest trouble I see is multiple save games and people abusing the system. Plus a one-time code would be difficult I imagine.
Post by nails on Jul 11, 2011 12:11:22 GMT -5
Got it now. Like the idea. What would be the benefit to the person "loaning" out their character? A cash exchange? XP?
The other thing I was commenting on was finding a way to broker deals between players when it came to items. v-chips, ammo, etc.
I understand the loads of work and cost involved in the MMO. I would hate to see the guys put time/money into that and have it take away from the actual game content work.
Post by monkeyrogue on Jul 11, 2011 12:15:11 GMT -5
The benefit would be a much more powerful team mate than the NPC team you assemble. But if you were looking for a reward you could have an "exit" code that you received to send back to the person who loaned their character that could be redeemed for xp.
Post by nails on Jul 11, 2011 12:18:39 GMT -5
The benefit would be a much more powerful team mate than the NPC team you assemble. But if you were looking for a reward you could have an "exit" code that you received to send back to the person who loaned their character that could be redeemed for xp. I was strictly asking for the benefit to the loaner. so if you "lent" me your character, what do you get for allowing that? I would think some kind of XP or money once you finished the job. you certainly deserve something for putting the work into the npc that helped my guy finish the job.
Post by monkeyrogue on Jul 11, 2011 12:48:08 GMT -5
Right, you (the receiving party) would get a code to send back to the lendee.
It occured to me how to do it, but it would take typing on this phone, and I am currently running a fever.
Post by HateSolstice on Jul 12, 2011 7:10:15 GMT -5
Yeah, that was more or less what I was thinking. I'm no code monkey or anything(in fact, I know squat about it), so I have no idea how difficult something like that would be to do.
Post by dilz669 on Jul 14, 2011 17:20:27 GMT -5
So I was thinking about the combat success screen (the one where you can search and get ammo after combat). What if you roll the Ammo search button into the regular Search button and make it so you only have to press the button once and it auto does all the searches.
Also, would it be possible to have the search results pop up in the window that always says "You are victorious. +1 Karma" instead of in the separate pop-ups for each item found? Maybe do it like the text in the MatrixNet window where it comes on screen from the bottom of the window and then becomes scrollable if need be.
Lastly, would it be possible to get some consistency with the location of the action buttons? On the main combat screen the buttons are on the bottom right, on the attack screen the buttons are sort of bottom left, on the combat turn/phase summary screen (where it shows everyone's remaining AP) the Ready button is down the right side, and on the MatrixNet the buttons are down the left side. Not sure where the best place to put them would be (probably down the right side or along the bottom from the right) but I think having them all consistently placed would add a fair amount of polish. I would really like to see the MatrixNet buttons down the right side (mainly because I'm right handed and left side buttons are inconvenient).
This game gets better every update. Thanks for all your hard work.
Edit: Also, what about a mission success screen? You could have it be the same screen that you get for combat success but it would also show your payment received.
Post by monkeyrogue on Jul 14, 2011 20:36:07 GMT -5
I agree with dilz on the end-of-combat searches. That little window seems awful convenient and a bit too large for the little bit of info it is currently displaying. I am assuming you had plans for something like this already? A consolidated search button would suffice, for certain. Also, what is the formula for searching?
Post by moof on Jul 14, 2011 20:41:34 GMT -5
My biggest wish comes tied into combat right now. Alll of the button locations aren't too bothersome or out of place, but When you have 18 action points and accidentally click on items, and then proceed to not use any items, you lose ALL OF YOUR ACTION POINTS FOR THAT TURN...NOOOO!!! then proceed to get melted by 4 riot guards.
tl;dr i hate how when you go to the items screen and then proceed to not use any items, then still get penalized by removing all of your ap that round.
Post by monkeyrogue on Jul 14, 2011 20:54:13 GMT -5
Do I really have to keep saying "I agree with that feller!"
Post by chuckMFd on Jul 18, 2011 19:27:50 GMT -5
•A picture and name of the weapon you currently have equipped when doing battle. I had an uzi and a handgun both had the same range so I couldn't tell which one I was about to use.
•Ability to rob enemy banks, shops, hideouts, and buildings. Some could be heavily guarded others undefended.
•Ability to pay ¥ for positive reputation
•Bombs and explosives for combat and terrorism on enemy buildings.
•Item backpack
•Item rope to scale walls
Post by nails on Jul 19, 2011 5:31:19 GMT -5
A listing of purchased keys for safe houses would be nice, say under the notes section of the pda.
Post by dandiestpanic on Jul 21, 2011 22:50:57 GMT -5
I know it's already been mentioned, but definitely done more variety to unarmed weapons, maybe some in game mention of just what each stat upgrade does and how, something more than just brawl or firearms. What does athletics do? Why is such and such with so on and so forth. May have missed something along the way, sorry if so.
Or.... If you upgrade your dex, show how it affects what. Your dam with this weapon just got better because you did...this.
hoping that makes sense.
Again never tried to add input to a game before! Sorry if it didn't add up or compute.
Post by dandiestpanic on Jul 21, 2011 23:09:25 GMT -5
Sorry totally spaced on one more thing I just might be getting wrong, but so far..assuming still karma = exp, right? it doesn't seem to change over +1 karma, regardless of how many goons you off (3 or 8) or how much higher stats/armaments they have over you. So I am quivering, sites it change? Or can we get more xp for trampling a horse of beefed up dudes with a higher reward?