Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 19:40:16 GMT -5
Loving the direction of the Contact Interaction Screen. For contact services, it would be great to know if a service (such as black market access) will change the rep/effective rep/influence rating of the contact (and how much). Is it possible to add it to the description area? (Suggested areas marked with arrow) yah, I know the black market one does cost rep or influence (can't remember) and it states that, but I don't think it states how much. But with the new animation of the numbers 'jiggling', I get paranoid everytime and think, did that cost me rep or cost the contact influence? Hence the thought for RFE.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 19:22:50 GMT -5
That's not supposed to work in your build LOL
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 19:01:46 GMT -5
Bravo on the game balancing at game start. Makes sense that the starting crew is filled, no understaffing warning lights. Putting my 'new player' hat on, it will start things on an even ground, no need to figure out how to hire, who to hire before turn 1. Also good that all officers are hired, and Quartermaster and Doctor (with doctor Save Talent) pre-installed. Just a quick tip of the hat fallen and Cory Trese
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 18:54:50 GMT -5
The Political Log is really helpful, great to evaluate recent happenings looking at both of them.
Not very intuitive on how to get there tho. (The only reason I knew it existed was from Cory during the latest stream)
I'm sure you already have figured it out, but wanted to put in an RFE for a separate button :-)
EDIT: for those who have no idea what I'm talking about... STATUS/CAPTAIN'S LOG to display Captain's Log. Tap the CAPTAIN'S LOG button again to flip to Political Log.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 13:37:24 GMT -5
(not in the updates folder, no?)
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 4:08:07 GMT -5
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the page. It's looking a lot better than I left it. Great to see you over there MintDragon ! Humbly gives you an honorable bow. Never got involved with a wiki. Finding areas that I'm confident in contributing to -- and educating myself on the basics of wiki-contribution tonight.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 4:02:28 GMT -5
The more I think about it, the more I like the concept of the 'surprise' of being able to visually see contacts that trigger arcs (by the invitation to start dialog with them when I check their services and offerings), and deciding whether to engage with them.
Landing on a planet and having to make a choice to engage in an arc that I might not ready for.
food for thought. and probably need to move the discussion to the RFE section.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 3:57:56 GMT -5
I think this is a good suggestion for both stories. They either need to give you more money along the way, or let you know up front that you're going to need some resources handy to get far enough in them. I think I started the Elsa story at 60k and was down to 40k when I hit the looping dialogue. I can see a lot of new players starting them as soon as they find them and running out of resources to complete them and not everyone will be so excited about putting another quarter in the machine and starting over. One possible solution is being able to exit out of the initial story sequence without 'starting the clock'; perhaps by not starting when just landing on the planet? My understanding (and only 2x experience with the Spice Trader) is that the clock started when I landed on the planet. I revisited the planet when I felt I was ready, and initiated the dialog with the option on the upper left side to start the dialog. If the clock didn't start til then, it gives the player a chance to build up adequate skills, ship strength, talents, etc... before starting a story arc. Maybe a highlight around the 'I have a story to tell you, click here' upper left dialog invitation would clue new players that this contact has an arc would be enough of a clue? BUT, I don't know how the story arc(s) have the potential to come together, and starting timers could cause issues in coming together by approaching it this way. Hmmm.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 2:33:14 GMT -5
yah, get your point from above on the payment. *shrug* Some contacts don't pay a lot. from my link I posted, the payment was for 6500 credits for 6 jumps. Not uncommon for my games.
But with my merchant/spy build, it's just an opportunity to make a bunch of money on trade routes I've mapped out, and collect a bunch of intel along the way to completing the mission. Trade, selectively sell intel to contacts, and the mission is just a chance to build political capital with that contact. I don't know the exact math mechanics, but the higher your effective rep, then better missions you could be offered. And I typically turn down half of offered missions, either due to payment, not in my skill wheelhouse, or mission completion time is too short unless I drop everything and just go there and back.
When you come across a very generous contact with great traits, you'll know it. And you'll treat them like gold!
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 2:06:04 GMT -5
Yep. Stick another quarter in the machine and start a new game. Knowledge is power! (New players wouldn't know how long they have to get to Nikolai ... only being disclosed in Alpha right now -- and new story arcs will be added too!)
And there is always more than one way to skin the cat. :-)
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 2:01:09 GMT -5
Sinocelt , Are you able to do screenshots? You might just be banging your head against the wall due to a poor contact (for your purposes), or you've might have stumbled upon a critical fringe bug. For mission payment related thingies, a screenshot of the contact details (traits, rep, eff rep, etc...) will impact their willingness to pay better on missions. Also, you can acquire talents that increase your mission payments. Typically on multi-jump (4 or more) missions, my talents alone will boost the payout by 30-40%. Some contacts pay more if you have a military rating with the faction too, you should see that when the mission is offered. But there are traits that the Contact has that can swing payment up/down, depending on what they are. (and some traits can be hidden from you at that time in the game) Also a screen-shot of the mission details help immensely. An example of mission-related payment issue (and how it was solved with a couple screenshots) is here: CLICKI'm just worried that from your descriptions, it isn't enough to be able to recreate or track down potential bugs in the system.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 1:48:28 GMT -5
Maybe I did take over 4 years for Nikolai. I'll start a new captain and pay more attention to the time this time around. Four years go by very fast. If you take the time to fulfill a few missions with other contacts to build a safety net (i.e., enough money to pay for healing and repair in case of a bad encounter), Nikolai will be gone. That's what happened to me. That's what I fear will happen to many, maybe most players. Bring a bunch of intel records (20 should do) and throw them at her the first time you meet her. You'll have all the rep you need to meet Nikolai on the spot.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 1:34:26 GMT -5
known issue. (Trying to do multiple upgrades back to back)
If you completely back out from the contact, and reselect them, the numbers are updated.
Post by MintDragon on Sept 27, 2017 0:39:26 GMT -5
MintDragon - thanks for jumping in on the wiki too! +1 yah, just upgraded to gamepedia pro (so I don't have ads). Just dipped my toe in tonight; but I'll be contributing over the coming weeks...
Post by MintDragon on Sept 26, 2017 20:39:29 GMT -5
except for this Thursday, now 8PM ET